
Author Picture

Carlos Areces

El actor Carlos Areces es un ávido coleccionista vintage de libros, tebeos, discos, muñecos y fotografía antigua, entre la cual destaca su muestrario de retratos post mórtem. Lleva más de 15 años recorriendo mercados, anticuarios, casas de subastas y páginas online, tanto en Europa como fuera de ella. Fascinado por la belleza y la emoción que estas imágenes antiguas provocan, su increíble colección se recoge íntegramente en este libro, mostrando un testimonio gráfico de la considerada edad dorada de esta práctica, entre mediados del siglo XIX hasta bien entrado el siglo XX.

Actor Carlos Areces holds a BA in Fine Arts and is a keen collector of comics, books, albums, toys and vintage photography (post mortem in particular). Being in love with the purity of the post-mortem photographs themselves and the materials, inscriptions and information that accompany them, and fascinated by the beauty of these old images and the vast amount of feelings they prompt, he has searched for these scarce and coveted images for the past fifteen years. He has looked for them in old markets, antique shops, auction houses and websites, in Europe and beyond. His efforts have led to the compilation of an incredible collection which this book reproduces in its entirety, and which constitutes a visual proof of the different periods, regions and cultures of what is considered the Golden Era of this practice, approximately between the middle of the 19th century and c. 1935

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